
John: Believe and Live is unavailable, but you can change that!

How well do you know Jesus Christ? Do you understand the significance of the fact that Jesus is both God and Man? Do you have any idea why he performed the miracles that changed water into wine and made a blind man see? Do you grasp the agony of His suffering on your behalf and the wondrous depth of His love for you? The Gospel of John will guide you into a deeper, more fulfilling relationship...

. For the first time in this gospel, a group identified as “the Jews” are seen as they investigate whether John is the Messiah. In this gospel, the title “the Jews” refers to the religious bureaucracy, particularly those Pharisees hostile to the gospel. They were the leadership who lived in Jerusalem, not the common Jews who lived outside the capital city. According to verse 19, both priests and Levites were sent to John. The priests were descendants of Aaron, the first high
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